Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jeta Ime


......"What do you want to do?" "I don't know what do you want to do?" I don't know what do you want to do?"......


....Queasy, dizzy, nervous, anxious, nauseous, light headed and "what ifs" running through my mind. "What if this happens? What if they don't like me? What if.....". These were my thoughts and feelings that ran through my mind and body Monday morning as I got ready for school. First day of school jitters! Yikes!

My day to day life in K-land has definitely been altered from day one to now. I feel like a peaceful, untouched, content on a dusty shelf snow globe that has suddenly been knocked down, shaken and dusted off. My usual extroverted self was held back by a month of sitting at home reading books, cold and foggy weather and zero friends beyond the premises of our apartment building. But now the weather has changed from dull and dreary to sunny and warm with a clear blue sky to show off the snow capped mountains. I have began my position as an English teacher assistant and I have more friends than there are stray dogs!!! How exciting!!!

I know you can be underwhelmed and I know you can be overwhelmed but can you ever just be whelmed? The answer is.....well I really don't know?! From December 2ND till January 20Th I was was underwhelmed by all the nothingness, January 21st till the 25Th I was overwhelmed by the new experience of teaching English and now a new week has began and I'm feeling content. So, yes, maybe you can just be whelmed!

Life is wonderful! Fun filled days! Walking, talking, drinking coffee, laughing, singing, dancing, going to friends houses, phase 10, jump rope and volleyball with all ages, running to the convenient store for a late night snack, taking crazy pictures, and sitting outside in the sunlight chatting with friends! :D

~Vanessa Goertzen~


Anonymous said...

Great pix! Great to hear from you.
Take care.

Anonymous said...
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