Sunday, February 10, 2008

shaky hands

First of all I would like to apologize to all our faithful readers. We have not been posting every week as we should. I am sorry, we are without excuse. Now that all that is said and done, here is a little bit of what has been going on for the past two weeks.
If I could sum it all up in a sentence, it would be that we are teaching English and making friends, which is good because that is exactly what our job description is. We have been working with a young teacher; he is an amazing person. He teaches English in the local high school, and he also has a private school where he teaches English and German. Those are only his day jobs. He also owns and runs a CD and DVD shop and a grocery store. He is a very driven man, and a visionary. Along with foreign languages, he also teaches the students his life philosophies of hard work, perseverance and optimism. I have learned a lot from him. I love to meet people who seem to understand that they only have one chance at life, so they take it for all it's worth. Often during the day we have two or three coffee breaks with him where we just sit and talk about life. He is only one of the great people we are getting to know.
Every morning from eight until twelve Jin, Vanessa, and myself go to the public high school, and assist in classes. In the afternoon Minda and Lakyn spend three hours at a private school. Lakyn home-schools one of the Krebs' daughters in the mornings, and Minda tests milk fat content at "Jeta E Re", the milk collection center. Then on Saturdays Minda and I teach all day at the private school. It's just like any other job, some days we come home absolutaly exhausted, and some days we come home with fun stories and lots of energy. The great days make it so worth it. We have gotten the opportunity to visit three of our students homes, they fill our stomachs with lots of delicious albanian food, and we go out for coffee with them often. If you haven't figured it out, we drink a lot of coffee. Sometimes at the end of the day my hands are shaking so bad from all the caffine. I think that in the future HDC should bump up the two cups of coffee limit for the Balkans teams. They are going to need to start training their bodies for large amounts of caffine intake.
Besides the shakey hands, things have been going well. Thanks for reading this and thinking about us, We are so fortunate to have so many people behind us.

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