Sunday, January 13, 2008

haven't seen the mountains for days

This morning I got out of bed, and made my way downstairs to start the fire and make my coffee. Like every morning i took a peek out our little kitchen window. Usually this is a breathtaking sight, huge snow capped mountains brightened against a clear blue sky, but not this morning. like every morning this week all I could see were the dreary buildings, muddy streets and thick layers of grey clouds and fog covering the mountains from base to peak. I stepped away let out a sigh and thought, wow my sad little view is such a picture of how I feel.
I am going to be honest I'm sure this country has it's times and seasons of beauty, but right now it is just down right cold and dreary. Sometimes the mountains are the only redeeming part of the scenery. It has been a hard couple of days for myself and for the rest of the team. We are currently in our last week of language study, which has been our focus for the past month and a half. We have been feeling rather cooped up, and we are ready to put our hands to something. Getting out and making friends has proved to be harder than we thought it would be, due to different cultural and seasonal circumstances. I have found myself searching for ways to fill my days with things that will entertain me and make me feel not quite so dreary. But the Lord hasn't brought me here so that I can pass the time away and move on to the next thing. This is the next thing. He has so much purpose and so many plans for each day if I will just choose to push through the clouds and search it out. I think it is easy to forget that God is already at work here and it is our privilege to join him. Our prayer request as a team is this, for eyes to see the kingdom of God all around us, and for willing selfless hearts. I hope this weather clears up, even if it doesn't I will lift my eyes up whether I can see the mountains or not.


J. Linthicum said...

Greetings Girls,

We remember the gray winter well. When the snow goes ther will trash everywhere. It is not until spring when the new life comes and chases away the gray and the trash.

Keep up your spirits so you can show the hope of spring(new life) to those around you.


Anonymous said...

Hi girls! Oh my godness when I saw my picture I was like so totally suprised!

Anonymous said...

Still no mountain views in sight?
When I read your post,Sara, I couldn't help but think of similar comments from dear friends who had ministered in Lithuania for a number of years. The "grayness" of everything, not just of the weather, was a real struggle for them.

Oh, but to let you know--they did see signs of God at work as time went on. May you too! In the meanwhile, know you are being remembered!